Discover Life-Changing Health Success With RPM & CCM

Our Patient Success Stories

Our Nurses, Registered Dietitians and Diabetes Educators make a difference in Patient’s Lives.

Woman with blonde hair wearing a green hoodie and seatbelt, sitting in a vehicle, smiling slightly at the camera after sharing her success stories.


Good Morning Everyone! I wanted to share the success of Joanne . From the beginning, her health goals have been focused on weight loss and when we started working together she was at 163lbs. By watching the type of foods she is consuming and by incorporating intermittent fasting she has been able to lose 27 lbs (at our last visit, according to her records, she is at 136lbs)... and she is maintaining that weight loss. It has been slow but consistent and she is starting to look at food and eating patterns in an entirely different light. Her success has prompted her work colleagues to ask what program she is on and how can they join. So excited for her! --- I don't want to forget to mention her increased activity which has helped her to build muscle and to improve areas of her health outside of weight management. Congrats to Joanne!

A woman with blonde hair and blue eyes smiling at the camera in a restaurant setting.


I spoke with one of Dr. ____ weight loss patients this am. She started at the beginning of August and as of today has lost 35 pounds. She is working with the dietitian, Michelle Anderson. Her goal is to lose 45 more pounds. If she keeps going like she has been she will definitely reach that goal.

Portrait of a smiling woman with long brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a white blouse, embodying success stories.


I wanted to share the success of my client Margo. By changing some eating habits and adjusting her meal times to incorporate intermittent fasting on some days, she has been able to lose 15lbs since June. She stated she might even do cartwheel in Dr...'s office at her next visit 🙂

A woman with shoulder-length hair smiles in a floral top against a nighttime backdrop with illuminated bridge lights, epitomizing success stories.


Wilbur started the program at the end of August and to this date (and through all the device issues) he has lost right at 20 lbs. He is a true champ!! He enjoys working with RD Referrals | Michelle A. and follows all of her recommendations, he walks for 45 minutes daily. When I asked him if he has started t buy new clothes, he laughed and said I still have clothes from 25 years ago!! He is such a pleasure to work with!! Can we clone him!! 🙂

A smiling woman in a black top and denim jeans standing in front of a cityscape backdrop with greenery, epitomizing success stories.


I have a very inspirational success story. Lynn with Dr. F and I have been working together for a couple of months. She suffered from GI issues, and since working together and discussing mindfulness and identifying what foods make her feel bloated she has been eliminating foods she cannot digest well and says she feels so much better. The majority of our work has been on mindful eating and health at every size. She has probably lost about 5lbs since we started talking but she says that for the first time in her life she feels free and empowered to make healthy food choices. She no longer feels in a trap. I wanted to share this story because even when this patient may not be losing an impressive amount of weight she is meeting HER goals and learning to have a healthier relationship with food.

A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a gray cardigan and pink top, smiling and seated outdoors at sunset, embodies one of our inspiring success stories.


Hi all! I wanted to share that I have been working with a pt that has lost 13# since February. She was like a sponge and absorbed the information with a very positive attitude. She is bulking up her meals with more fruits, veggies, and whole grains. She is finding she feels full without overcoming calories. Her grandson has been supportive and is encouraging more vegetables and salads as well.

Portrait of a smiling woman with long brown hair and blue eyes, wearing a white blouse, embodying success stories.


Good evening-working on some patient chart reviews and I wanted to point out a non-scale victory from a client. Cathy is a patient from Dr.... She has a high stress job and sits at her desk for long hours. She wanted to lower her cholesterol levels through lifestyle change and she was also hoping for a little weight loss along with that. Because of the potential that she may have had a little fatty liver concern it was important that she lose the weight slowly. Since she started the program in May she has lost around 6-8 lbs AND her recent blood work from the end of August shows that she was able to lower her total cholesterol from 263 to 211, her triglycerides from 282 to 189, her LDL from 165 to 129, and her liver enzymes came back to normal range. She still has some work to do but according to Cathy, Dr. was very pleased with her results and with the work of the program. She is still hoping to lose more weight and to lower those numbers even more. This fall has been a bit rough for her with work demands, but she has blood work again in December-Fingers crossed for even lower lab values!! Yay to Cathy for her hard work!

A woman with light brown hair smiling at the camera in a warmly lit room, wearing a pink top, celebrating success stories.


Just got off a great call with patient Patricia. She is very pleased with our program. She started at 242 lbs (her very first reading with us) and is now down to 193 lbs. She states getting weekly check in calls holds her accountable and also being able to ask questions and work with Jessica has also helped tremendously. 🙂

A woman with light brown hair smiling at the camera in a warmly lit room, wearing a pink top, celebrating success stories.


I have a patient Benjamin. He is extremely happy with our services. He is working on loosing weight. It's extremely hard as we all know but he is working very hard. He is very thankful for what we do / our ideas (also Jessica's help)... He is please with how far he has come & is happy to have a team behind him to help with his journey!! Thanks Jessica Carter for the teamwork!!! You rock! He started at 219 and he is now down to around 208 🙂

A smiling woman in a black top and denim jeans standing in front of a cityscape backdrop with greenery, epitomizing success stories.


Today I talked to one of my patients: Maria with Dr. K. She has lost 11 pounds in the last 2 months and has less GI issues. She sleeps better and is motivated to keep working on her goals. Planning to start using dumbbells for strength training 🙂

A woman with curly hair and sunglasses on her head stands by a window, wearing a white jacket, looking like she stepped out of motivational success stories.


I have a very motivational story to share of one of my patients Jacinta whom I have had the privilege to get to know over the past 6 months. Jacinta, has done an amazing job with her weight loss journey and now has officially reached her goal. She is 194 lbs down from 221 lbs 8 months ago a total of 27 lbs lost since January or 53 lbs total since November 2021. Her BMI in January was 37.92 and now it is 28.6 reversing her "obesity" classification. Jacinta followed a strict regimen of eating mostly vegetables, intermittent fasting, and physical activity. She is proud to have gone down 6 dress sizes and now needs to have her entire wardrobe adjusted. She remains motivated to maintain her weight loss and promises to stick with her regimen. We wish Jacinta all the success with her maintenance phase as she moves forward!

A woman with long blonde hair, wearing a gray cardigan and pink top, smiling and seated outdoors at sunset, embodies one of our inspiring success stories.


Hi Everyone! I wanted to mention a pt. Sandra with Dr. O. She is down 16 pounds from her UBW. She is including more vegetables with lunch and dinner and working on consuming 1-2 fruits daily. She is also doing some physical activity using the 15 minute routine I gave her as well as some You-tube videos on 4-6 days per week. She had gone through a difficult time earlier in the year, so it is very remarkable how well she has done especially given the circumstances.